The Power Of Self
Life is fragile. No moment is guaranteed. There is no set timeline on how and when events are going to unfold. Life is unpredictable. While we are grasping onto the privilege of experiencing life, make the absolute most of it.
Not by someone else’s measurement of ‘most’. Your and your measurement alone. Too many times, people (including family) get in the way of trying to control how you live. They want you to listen to them, follow the safest path, abide by tradition, etc. At some point, you need to block out that noise. You have to make the final decision. It is you who decides what to do because, in reality, no one can tell you what to do with your life.
So how do you start? Ask yourself what you want to do. Not what others want you to do. Do what you want to do. Do not be scared of your answer. Do not be afraid to dream big. You can do anything you set your mind to. Tell yourself exactly what you want and just do it. If no one else believes in you, who cares. You believe in yourself. That is all you need. Societal norms are designed to induce people into making fear-based decisions so they ‘stay in line’. They want to let go of your ambition. Forget all that. Those are anchors trying to pull you down. Block out the noise and keep tunnel vision. Embrace your ambition no matter how crazy it seems. Be what you want; the best surgeon in the world, the greatest athlete, the best teacher, a music sensation, a Michelin-star chef, etc. Be whatever you want to be.
The purest way you can reach your desired heights is by obsessing over them. Constantly thinking about it and telling yourself that ‘I will do it.’ This obsession will keep the vision at the forefront of your mind in any task you do. By maintaining this type of mindset, whatever you desire will manifest. It truly will. However, it only works if you believe in yourself. This starts by learning to not call your dreams ‘dreams’. By saying dreams, it automatically implies it is something that is not real and is strictly just in your head. Instead, call it your vision. It is something you see for yourself that will happen.
Our minds are powerful machines. They are home to unfiltered imagination and thinking. Be willing to keep pushing and do not stop. One of the most famous mindsets is the ‘Mamba Mentality’ from the late great Kobe Bryant. Kobe never listened to detractors or did what others wanted him to. He did what he wanted and obsessed over it until it manifested. Whether that means becoming one of the greatest basketball players ever or an Oscar-winning writer, he never placed limits on himself.
Drake, the world-renowned rapper, also alludes to his obsessive thinking and mindset as the reason for his success. Check out his rap radar interview if you are interested in learning more about the chart-topping artist’s mental approach.
While these may seem like big picture things that seem out of the realm of possibility, they are not. You can be just like them. You can be a generational talent. You can be a revolutionary. You can be anything. You just have to believe. Do not be succumbed to fear. Dwelling on our fear and failures is wasting every moment that can be used to pursue our aspirations. Self-doubt is our mind’s greatest enemy. Do not let it get in the way. Keep believing and pushing. If everyone felt like they could not be like a Kobe or Drake, society would collectively regress. However, it does not. Why? Because there are always people who will push the envelope and shoot for the stars. Be one of those people. Put aside your fear and go for it. Life is too short to be afraid and not take a leap of faith. The greatest leap of faith is the one you take in yourself. If you want to maximize that leap, you have to do it for you. Your obsession must be rooted in a place of genuine passion and love. Not from a need to align with societal norms. Not from wanting to please those around you. No. It only works when you want it for you.