Understanding The Minuteness Of Our Existence

Mohit Patel
3 min readApr 24, 2021


Each of us lives in a town/city. That city is in a state, which is one of many in the country. The country is a part of a continent. That one continent is one of seven on Earth and our planet is one among hundreds of billions in the Milky way galaxy. This galaxy is one amidst nearly two trillion in the universe.

Zooming out to scale our existence from a macroscopic level may make us feel insignificant. This is understandably so. We truly are such a speck in the grand scheme. Should that diminish the meaning of our life? Not at all. What it does do is that it gives us a greater perspective on where we stand statistically, scientifically, and even philosophically.

Earthly Basis Of Minuteness

There are approximately 8 billion humans currently on Earth. In the history of Earth spanning across time, there have been a total of 108 billion humans (strictly Homo sapien species) that ever lived. Humans are the most advanced and intelligent life form, but we are only one of the 8.7 million forms currently living. According to the evolution timeline, we are considered Homo sapiens. Our species have been around for nearly 300,000 years, while the Earth has existed for nearly 4.543 billion years. That means the presence of Homo sapiens only accounts for .006% of the total time of Earth’s existence. Before us, there existed 21 human species. The first was the Homo Erectus, which appeared nearly 2 million years ago.

Universe Basis Of Minuteness

Let’s now make the bigger picture even bigger. As stated earlier, Earth is one planet among billions in the galaxy and our galaxy is one in two trillion. However, what about intelligent civilizations? Obviously, we have yet to uncover definitive proof of life outside of Earth, but it is nearly certain that life exists elsewhere. To think it does not would be extremely arrogant and ignorant. One method some scientists like to use is the Drake equation.

Drake Equation created by Dr. Frank Drake

The equation takes into account a multitude of variables to approximate the number of alien civilizations per galaxy. Using Dr. Drake’s equation, there would about 36 in the Milky way alone. Some scientists do not think his equation is reliable and bypass it. Whether one uses the equation or not, many scientists agree that it is likely that over a million intelligent civilizations exist in the universe. It is only a matter of time until we find them or they find us. Let us hope that both sides can communicate in peace.

So Are Our Lives Pointless?

Absolutely not. Even though we are extremely minute in the statistical sense, we are still impactful beings. We should maximize our life and relish our opportunity to experience life on this beautiful planet. We should attempt to help humanity in any way we can because that pushes us to be better and become more. One person truly can leave a mark. Each of us can be that one person.

The human way is the only way we know. The philosophies, schools of thought, religions, cultures, etc. are strictly bound to humanity. There are likely over a million intelligent civilizations across the universe and we are just one of them (Depending on technological advances, other civilizations may not even consider us intelligent). Again, this does not serve to diminish the value of humanity’s creations, but it is important to keep in mind that our way is not the only way. This logic applies even in internal human affairs. No one culture, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, etc. is the ‘right’ or ‘better’ one. Treat it as such. Respect everyone and everything despite possible differences from oneself. Do not demean others because their thoughts do not align with you. That is beyond arrogant. The world nor the universe revolves around you or any one person. Be conscious about your place in the bigger picture and you will be better for it.



Mohit Patel
Mohit Patel

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